25th BAAE PhD Symposium
Louvain-la-Neuve – 24 April, 2025

This year, the Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists invites all young researchers and  PhD students to participate in its 25th PhD symposium to be hold at the university of Louvain la-Neuve (UCLouvain) on April, 24th by submitting either (i) an abstract or (ii) a full paper that  will be considered for presentation at the symposium.  

PhD Symposium BVLE-ABER

Submissions can be related either to whole research projects or to more specific points of  research located in the field of socio-economic research on food, agriculture, environment,  rural sciences and development. Topics include but are not limited to risk management; value  chain analysis; resource and environmental economics; farming systems research; food  consumption and consumer behavior; trade, markets and institutions; climate change; food  security; livelihoods; productivity and efficiency; agricultural and agri-environmental policy;  farmers’ behavior; and environmental valuation.  

Selected authors of a short abstract can present their work in 5 minutes with a limited number  of slides. Selected authors of a full paper receive a peer-review of their paper by senior  members of the association and can present their work in 20 minutes. Authors of a selected  full paper automatically take part in the best paper award contest, rewarded with a scholarship  for a conference such as the upcoming EAAE conference in Bonn. Therefore also papers  submitted to the Bonn conference, can also be presented at the BAAE PhD Symposium.  

This major event of the association provides our young members a unique opportunity for  presenting and discussing their (preliminary) work in front of an interested and critical audience and to become acquainted with their colleagues of other Belgian universities at the social  activity that will conclude the event. 


24 April, 2025, full day
UCLouvain – Louvain-la-Neuve
Details will be sent in due time

Abstracts and full papers must include title, name of the author, university or institution affiliation, e-mail address and should be written in English. The maximum length of an abstract is 2 pages and the maximum length of a full paper is 15 pages. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, section headings numbered and in bold and single spacing. Include all figures and tables within the body of your text. Use a consistent reference format. All abstracts and papers have to be submitted by email to erwin.wauters@ilvo.vlaanderen.be with copy to guido.vanhuylenbroeck@ugent.be

Submission deadline for full paper or abstract:
Authors’ notification of accepted abstracts and papers:
Deadline for final registration:
PhD symposium Agricultural Economics:

23 March, 2025
30 March, 2025
16 April, 2025
24 April, 2025

Call for PhD award

The Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists (BAAE/BVLE/ABER) has the pleasure to announce a call for its triennial scientific prize to award the best PhD of one of its members. This time we will award the best PhD in the broad discipline of agricultural economics defended in the period July 2021 to September 2024. The winner will receive the  “BAAE Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Agricultural Economics” and a monetary prize of  2.000 euro, to be used for participation in the next EAAE congress.

You can find the rules for participation in annex. If you are interested, send your candidacy before January, 31st 2025 to:

Prof. Em Van Huylenbroeck
Vakgroep Landbouweconomie UGent
Coupure links 653,
9000 Gent

Do not hesitate to spread this call to (other) interested persons. For questions do not hesitate to contact guido.vanhuylenbroeck@ugent.be.

Photo by Koen Carels, june 2021, Zwijnaarde Gent

The Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists (BAAE) aims to bring together those interested in the field of agricultural policy and agricultural economics around certain specific themes that are usually clarified from an academic perspective. However, the BAAE is not only aimed at specialists in the research world, but also at those who practise agricultural economics in practice: people from professional circles, members of administrations, politicians, leading figures from the business world including supplying and processing companies, students, etc.