General Assembly
followed by a symposium on
“food safety: past, present and future”
October 9th 2024
The Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists (BAAE/BVLE/ABER) kindly invites you to its yearly general assembly on October, 9th starting at 13h00 followed by a symposium.
Exactly 25 years ago the food sector was envisaging the dioxin crisis and one year later the food safety agency FAVV/AFSCA started its activities. We therefore invite you to for a symposium on Wednesday, October, 9th in the premises of FOD Economie.
14h Introduction by the chair
14h10: Prof. Yves Segers (CAG, KULeuven): The dioxine crisis: a historic perspective
14h40: Dr. Herman Diricks (FAVV/AFSCA): FAVV/AFSCA: 25 years maintaining food safety
15h10: Prof. Ine van der Fels-Klerx (Wageningen Universiteit): Food safety monitoring from an economic perspective
15h40:Prof. Wim Verbeke (UGent): food safety: a food marketing and consumer perspective
16h 10: Q&A
16h30: closing and reception
The venue is FOD Economie (Vooruitgangsstraat 50 1210 Brussels)
To register, please send an email to with a copy to by September 27.
The symposium is free of charge for members. Please make sure to pay your BAAE membership fee of 20€ by then for 2024 via
Guido Van Huylenbroeck
President BAAE
Koen Carels
Secretary BAAE