Belgian Francqui Chair

Belgian Francqui Chair
Professor dr. ir.
Wim Verbeke

March 6th 2024

Rector Herman Van Goethem and Professor Koen Vandenbempt, dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics are pleased to invite you to the inaugural lecture by Professor dr. ir. Wim Verbeke, laureate of the Belgian Francqui Chair 2023-2024

Inaugural lecture:

Laudatio given by the promotors: Professor Nathalie Dens & Professor Steven Van Passel

After the lecture you are invited to the reception.

University of Antwerp, Stadscampus,
Tassis en Dürerzaal, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp

Please confirm your attendance before 26 February  2024.

Wim Verbeke is full professor of agri-food marketing and consumer behaviour in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ghent University. He valorises his complementary background in natural (bio-engineering) and social (economic) sciences by studying the behaviour of consumers and other stakeholders in the agri-food sector. A wide range of topics and research questions have passed the review over the past 25 years, with the protein component on our plates usually being the common thread.

The much-discussed protein transition was initiated 25 years ago and the call to shift gears resonates louder today than ever before. In his inaugural lecture, Wim Verbeke provides a view from the perspective of agri-food marketing and consumer research on the choices made, the evolution of the research themes and agenda, the insights gained and the new questions that arise about the protein transition. These include the rise of flexitarianism, the introduction and acceptance of alternative protein sources such as insects, microalgae or cultured meat, and diversity among consumers.